Mulching & Mowing

Trust Your Mulching and Mowing Project to Us in Valdosta, Georgia

Both lawn mowing and mulching have multitudes of environmental benefits, especially for the soil. At Environmental Audit & Assessment, Inc., we offer comprehensive lawn mowing and mulching services to make sure your lawn does not just look aesthetically pleasing but is also environmentally sound. Our lawn care team of experts provides services to both residential and commercial properties.

We understand that every property is unique, and so we work with our customers to work on their vision and the needs of the property by mapping out a customized plan. We offer services such as line trimming, edging, and blowing when it comes to mowing, and we make sure our quality products for mulching help provide a spectacular transformation for your landscape.

Types of Lawn Mulches We Provide

Organic Mulch

It is derived from natural material and includes ingredients like bark (great for trees, shrubs, and garden beds), pine needles (lower soil pH and help retain moisture), compost (improves soil fertility), grass clippings (to facilitate the growth of wild plants in remote areas), shredded leaves (works well in woodland and vegetable gardens and helps attract earthworms), sawdust (high carbon-nitrogen ratio), straw and hay (popular in vegetable gardens to prevent soil born disease), and newspaper (retains moisture, suppresses the growth of wild plants, and controls soil temperatures).

Inorganic Mulch

These are synthetic materials that provide benefits like wild plant control and moisture retention. However, the soil does not benefit from any nutrients from this mulch. The two common types of this are plastic and landscape fabric (suitable for foundation plantings, shrubs, and trees; they block and prevent the growth of unwanted plants. They can also harm the environment if not used correctly, and gravel and stone can be used in areas with good drainage or on plants that thrive in heat. They might be challenging to remove).

With Us, It Is All About The Details

For 30 years, we have helped our clients maintain a pristine lawn with our premium mowing and mulching services. We understand what it takes to make your lawn beautiful as well as environmentally friendly. Trust us to customize our lawn service care and our products to provide the best service to your splash of greenery. We make sure our customers are 100% satisfied with the service before we leave. We respect our customer’s property as if it were our own and that’s how we earned the trust of many in the locality. Save your time and money by coming to us with your needs. Call us to book an appointment today.

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