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The Benefits Of Using Mulch

Arliegh Boswell • Feb 06, 2022

Mulch is a protective material layer applied to the soil surface. Mulching is one of the best ways to maintain a lush, healthy, and beautiful landscape and is suitable for all types of gardens. Mulch is an underrated gardening tool available in different varieties and can broadly be divided into organic and inorganic mulch.

Organic mulch includes chopped leaves, grass clippings, paddy straw, sawdust, and hardwood chips. Inorganic or synthetic mulch consists of chips, recycled tires, pebbles, plastic, rubber mats, and crushed rock. It is essential to choose the mulch that best suits your garden needs.

Though most people understand that mulch is vital to ensure a clean and manicured landscape, they are unaware of the host of other benefits that mulching offers. Let us look at the few benefits of using mulch in your garden:

Controls weed growth

Keeping weeds at bay is one of the biggest worries of gardeners. Weeds are an eyesore and prevent other plants from thriving by taking away water and essential nutrients from them. Strategic mulching is very beneficial in reducing weed growth. Mulch creates a natural barrier to block the sunlight from reaching the soil surface in places where weeds are likely to sprout. Weeds find it difficult to survive due to inadequate sunlight.

Prevents soil erosion

Bare soil is prone to get washed away due to heavy rains or constant treading on pathways. A layer of mulch protects the exposed soil from becoming compacted and prevents erosion. It acts as a barrier to protect the garden, minimize the impact of footsteps and rainfall, and prevent the soil nutrients from leaching out. 

Provides nutrition

Mulch usually comprises decomposing organic and inorganic materials that break down eventually and provide the soil with much-needed nutrition. It keeps the soil surface soft, allows it to absorb water and airflow, and provides a healthy environment for trees, plants, and shrub growth. 

Retains adequate moisture levels

Consistent, adequate moisture levels are vital for healthy plant growth. Laying mulch over the soil helps it retain moisture for a longer duration and prevent it from drying out quickly, especially during warm and humid days. Mulching reduces the need for frequent watering, saves time and effort, and promotes plant growth. 

Regulates soil temperature

Temperature fluctuations are detrimental to plant and tree growth. With seasonal weather changes, the soil can get too hot or cold. Mulch maintains soil temperature and helps plants to survive temperature changes. It keeps the plant roots cooler in summers and prevents them from getting too cool in winters. Mulch protects roots from the harms caused by freezing and thawing cycles and frost-heaving.

Acts as a pest deterrent

Some types of mulch aid in pest control and repel fleas, ticks, and gnats. Mulching also increases the soil’s resistance to diseases. Organic mulch attracts plant-friendly bugs like earthworms, which improves aeration, and water retention.

Provides a more attractive look

Mulch can make the garden look visually inviting by adding beauty and depth. There are plenty of options to choose from in specific colors and textures for a stylish and unique appearance. Use inorganic mulch materials like decorative rocks to provide the yard with a whole new look. 

Other benefits of using mulch

  • Reduces tree damage
  • Increases soil fertility and improves structure. 
  • Provides shelter from mud
  • Saves time
  • Prevent dirt from settling on fruits, vegetables, and flowers
  • Protects the soil from natural elements and lawn equipment

Incorporating a few inches of mulch into the landscape adds beauty and provides the required nourishment. Cost, purpose, appearance, availability, application practicality, and personal preference usually determine the choice of mulch. Contact a local mulching company to know more about the benefits of mulching.

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